The Mighty Vape
From the makers of the classic Volcano desktop, the Mighty hybrid vaporizer combines the same high-quality German engineering that Storz and Bickel is famous for into one almighty portable package.
How it got the name "Mighty"
The Battery
The Mighty is also versatile, and your kit includes liquid pads for using concentrates with your vape. This device performs well with either fine or coarse grinds, although a finer grind may require more thorough and frequent cleaning afterwards.
The best feature of the Mighty is that it's just so damn efficient and user-friendly. With the LED screen similar to that of the digital Volcano, you can adjust the temperature of your device down to the very single degree (in both Centigrade and Fahrenheit). Thanks to the free-flowing vapor path, there is very little draw resistance which makes the Mighty accessible and easy to use. The unit is powerful enough to draw from without losing too much heat, and without compromising or charring your material.
The Mighty's unique cooling unit also routes the vapor through a longer vapor path, which gives it time to cool down just before you inhale. The Mighty's hybrid technology and convection heat ensures that high-quality vapor is instantly and continuously generated while conduction heat produces a rapid creation of vapor.
This results in a consistent and even AVB, leaving no waste and no herb left unevenly used. The Mighty pack also includes a two-piece acrylic grinder with a packing nozzle attachment, which is perfectly designed to dispense your material into the chamber neatly and efficiently.
The Mighty Vaporizer by Storz and Bickel takes the power of the Volcano Vaporizer and puts it into the palm of your hand. This unit is a serious powerhouse, boasting convection heating and a digital display for precise temperature control to provide some of the best-tasting vapor a portable unit has to offer.