Arizer XQ2 Review

The Arizer Extreme Q was many people's first introduction to the world of desktop vaporization. However, a lot of time has passed since then, and while it is still a fantastic device, it is somewhat out of date. 

That's where the XQ2 comes in. In this Arizer XQ2 review we will be going over this a modern successor to the original Q, refining all of its best features of it while also improving on some of its less ideal features. The result is a sleek and cool device with a striking, modern aesthetic. 

The XQ2 improves several features that were the target of criticism on the original unit. This includes the remote control, the display, and the fan control.

It has also refined the whip, the herb bowl, and the overall design of the device. 

The result is an impressive device, but how does it measure up against the rest of the desktop vape market?

Let's take a look!

How Does The Arizer XQ2 Work?

1. Heating System

The Arizer XQ2 features a convection heating system, much like its predecessor the Arizer Extreme Q. This type of heating system doesn't directly heat your herb, rather it heats the air surrounding it and gradually bakes the vapor out of the dry herb. This leads to denser clouds, more authentic flavor, and a higher level of vapor quality.

Best of all, since this is a desktop vaporizer, it comes with more than enough room to allow your vapor to build up density and quality. 

2. Loading The Arizer XQ2 Review

The Arizer XQ2 uses a specially designed connoisseur bowl to hold the herb as it is heated. This can be lifted out of the device, which makes it incredibly easy to load. Simply lift it out of the device, place it on a flat, stable surface, and carefully decant in your dry herb.

It works best with a coarse grind that allows hot air to fully permeate the chamber. When you're ready, pick it up and load it back into the chamber at the top of the vape. 

3. Turing on The Arizer XQ2 Review

Turning on the Arizer XQ2 is simple, all you need to do is press the power button found on the face of the device. It's as simple as that! There's also an option to activate the device with the included remote control, which allows you to turn it on and set its temperature from across the room!

4. Temperature settings

Like the Extreme Q before it, the XQ2 has an impressively powerful and versatile heating system that offers super rapid heat up time along with a broad temperature spectrum. This heating system stretches from 122 ºF - 500 °F, offering a fantastic range of different experiences. This is all supported by a convection heating system that effectively and thoroughly vaporizes your dry herb. 

Build Quality

Arizer are one of the biggest names in the vaporizer industry. They have been responsible for some of the best devices to hit the market. The previous Arizer Extreme Q was renowned for its distinctive conical design and high quality construction. The XQ2 is a clear refinement of the original's design. It still has the conical silhouette, but it is now more streamlined and stylish. It has gone from looking like an expensive kitchen appliance to some kind of spaceship. 

There's more than just aesthetic improvements going on with the XQ2. There have been several engineering and quality of life updates. The first you'll notice is the display. It has been upgraded to a LED display, a big improvement over the original LCD display.

There are several other improvements that make the XQ2 a true successor and improvement over the original Arizer Extreme Q. Finally, the incredible heating system with removable vortex bowl remains, it has received some tweaks that offer some truly impressive convection-powered vape experience. 

What makes the Arizer XQ2 Stand Out?

The Arizer XQ2 vaporizer is notable in that it is one of the newest desktop vaporizers to hit the market recently that isn't either an e-rig or a Storz & Bickel. This is a welcome return of the mid-range desktop device for dry herb vaporizers. It brings back the incredible cyclone bowl style heating with the new and improved connoisseur bowl.

One feature that has returned is a specially designed remote control. This allows users to control their devices from across the room without having to rely on a Bluetooth connection or their smartphone. This may be a feature that many users find intuitive and handy. 

The XQ2 also offers users three different ways to enjoy their dry herb. These include a whip, much like its predecessor, a balloon system to allow users to enjoy their vapor away from their device, and finally, an aromatherapy setting. This is a level of functionality that eclipses many of its contemporaries. 

What are the Most Important Updates About Arizer XQ2 

The Arizer Extreme Q was a fantastic and accessible tabletop vaporizer with a host of fantastic features. However, there was room for improvement and the XQ2 has well and truly stepped up to the plate, creating an incredible device that is a true improvement over its predecessor. 

The first notable improvement is found in the fan control. The fan is an important component that is essential for using the balloon style of consumption. The improved fan control allows users to have more control over how fast their balloon is filled, and how dense the vapor within is.

The original Q had an LCD screen, while this was serviceable, the XQ2 has upgraded to a much better and easy to read LED screen. This lets you know everything that's going on inside of your device.

The remote control was a stand out feature of the original Q, giving it a unique level of functionality to users that wasn't available with many devices at the time of its release. The new remote isn't as unique as the original, thanks to the proliferation of Bluetooth connectivity. However, it is of a far higher quality than the original version. 

What's In The Box - Kits & Accessories

The Arizer XQ2 is an incredible device that features a comprehensive and complete kit. The first thing you'll notice while unboxing the XQ2 vaporizer itself, this impressive conical device is far more streamlined than its predecessor while maintaining the iconic Arizer design.

Next you'll find the remote control, this allows you to control your device from the comfort of your couch. Next you'll find the herb bowls and glass aromatherapy dish, these hold your botanicals during heating. Following this you'll find the whip, it's glass connector, and the balloon system.

These offer you a range of different ways to enjoy your dry herb experience. Finally, there are several other items that help ensure your device is kept in tip-top condition. These include an air filter, stainless steel stirring tool, a selection of screens, and of course the power adapter. 

How's The Arizer XQ2 Vapor Quality?

The Arizer XQ2 lives up to the Arizer reputation by delivering some seriously solid vapor quality. The new and redesigned connoisseur bowl is a step above the original's already fantastic vortex bowl. This holds your herb closer to the heating element than the original, leading to a faster heat-up time and more efficient vaporization. 

This results in a denser and more potent vapor that preserves the authentic flavor of the herb. When combined with the whip, the user can expect some seriously good hits. Thanks to the balloon system and the new and improved fan, you can enjoy this powerful vapor away from the rest of the device.

The XQ2 can reach vaping temperature within 60 seconds, which means you won't have to wait around for your first hit. And the balloon can be filled within 4 minutes. 

As far as desktop vaporizers go, the XQ2 is a solid and reliable choice. 

In terms of heat-up times, the Arizer XQ2 manages to hit its target temperature within 1-2 minutes of starting it up, depending on your preferred vaping temperature. Those who prefer to vape using the bag can expect the bag to fully fill up with vapor within 2-4 minutes depending on the selected fan speed.

Tips for Getting Best Vapor Quality With Arizer XQ2 

The Arizer XQ2 is a convection vaporizer, this means that it relies on the flow of hot air to indirectly evaporate your dry herb. To get the most out of this, you want to maximize this air flow. This can be done by ensuring that your herb is ground to a coarse consistency. This maximizes that amount of surface area exposed to the heating system, while also ensuring that there's plenty of airflow. 

Is The Arizer XQ2 Easy To Clean? 

One of the biggest advantages of the XQ2 is its removable glass connoisseur bowl. This makes cleaning incredibly easy. All you need to do is lift it out of the device and gently clean it out with some isopropyl alcohol and a q-tip. Some gentle scrubbing may be needed for stubborn grime. Once you are finished, rinse it with warm water and set it aside. 

The whip attachment is a little harder to clean. First begin by submerging it in hot water. This will soften it and allow you to remove the glass joint. Set this aside and then carefully clean out the interior of the tube by sluicing alcohol through it. When this is done, rinse it with hot water and set it aside. 

Before using your device again, ensure that all your components are dry. Then, run the device through a quick heat cycle to ensure that any residual alcohol is evaporated away. 

Pros and Cons of Arizer XQ2 



Incredible Convection heating

Slow heat up time

Whip and Balloon Attachments

Lack of dual-use functionality 


Lack of Bluetooth

Is The Arizer XQ2 Worth It? 

The Arizer XQ2 is a much needed modernization of the classic mid-range desktop vape. At the moment, the desktop vape scene is dominated by premium quality devices like the Storz & Bickel Volcano. This locks a lot of users out of the vape market due to the massive price of admission that these devices demand. This device opens up the tabletop vaporizer scene for a whole new generation of vape fans. 

Who Should Buy Arizer XQ2 

The Arizer XQ2 is a device with a broad appeal. Experienced users and those just starting out will find aspects of this device that will suit them well. The low price point in comparison to the more expensive premium models that dominate the industry is worth noting, giving buyers a way into the scene that allows them to get the very most out of their herb with the incredible quality of desktop vaping. 

More advanced vapers will be well served by the XQ2's amazing features, next level vaporization, and high quality connoisseur bowl. 

Who Should Not Buy Arizer XQ2 

If you are an infrequent user or you prefer to keep your vape experiences discreet, then the XQ2 isn't for you. Desktop vaporizers need a flat stable surface, some room to set up, and a power outlet to enjoy. This isn't a portable vape you can stow in a pocket when you're finished. Also, those who like Bluetooth connectivity in their device will be disappointed by the lack of this feature in the XQ2, while the remote does a great job, it isn't as intuitive as a smartphone app. 

Conclusion - Overall Rating

The XQ2 is an incredible piece of vaping technology that fills an essential role in the vape scene. It allows users to enjoy desktop vaping to an incredible standard without having to deal with the high price of premium devices. It is a true successor to the original Extreme Q, taking everything that was great about that classic desktop vape, and bring it up to the next level for better and more improved sessions. Overall, the XQ2 is an amazing device, and should be a go-to for any desktop vape fans. 

Frequent asked questions

Q1. What Materials Can The XQ2 Be Used With?

The Arizer XQ2 is designed for use with dry herbs only. Unlike other Arizer vapes, it doesn't have a compatible concentrate pad

Q2. How Do I Clean The XQ2's Silicone Whip?

Before you do anything else, steep the whip with the glass connector still attached in some hot water for several minutes. This will allow you to easily remove the connector without breaking it. The connector can then be cleaned with alcohol and q-tips as you would any other glass component.

Do not use alcohol to clean the silicone whip, as it could damage it. Instead use hot water and soap. Rinse the entirety of the pipe until it is clean and then set it aside to fully dry before using it again. 

Q3. What Is The Best Temperature Setting For The Arizer XQ2?

The ideal temperature for your XQ2 is a matter of personal preference. If you enjoy smoother, more flavor-focused vape experiences then check out the lower end of the heat range. On the other hand, if you want more powerful and dense vapor, turn the temperature up!



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