Desktop Vaporizers
Desktop Vaporizers are a fantastic way of consuming your bud. Inside a desktop vaporizer, there’s a lot more room internally to allow the manufacturers to implement bigger and quality components that will produce thicker, smoother and more potent vape.
A vape colors the way you experience your session, so finding the right one is imperative. A powerful stationary vaporizer that we have available is the Plenty vaporizer by Storz & Bickel. If you enjoy vaping your bud from the comfort of your home then look no further than this stunning Plenty Vaporizer. There is plenty to discover; so, let’s discover it together.
Vapor Quality
One of the highly regarded features of the Plenty is the vapor quality. Once you get a good pull, the vapor flows through the tube naturally, almost like water flowing down a stream. The internal heating system is the method behind all this vapor production. The entire machine is basically a heating system and an exterior, it may be small, but it is mighty! (pun not intended)
Looks can be deceiving but don’t let this be a hindrance, the Plenty is easy to use. You load up your preferred material, it should be mentioned that the chamber in the plenty is big. So, you can put as little or as much as you want in the chamber.
Choose your desired temperature that can be accessed through the temperature dial and has seven different settings. As always, try out the different temps and find what works best for you, everyone’s choice is a personal one. The temperature ranges from 266F-392F. Once chosen, it will take about 3 minutes to heat up which is rare for a stationary vaporizer.
A unique feature of this vape is that it has another switch, which is the grip. The grip or switch intended use is to reset the user after it turns off. Something to remember, there is a 90-second waiting period before it will turn back on.
What’s happening internally is, once it has reached the selected temperature, the light will turn off and the heater will go off. When this happens, you can begin vaping – you will notice the temperature gradually reduce. After 90 seconds, you are free to turn the heater back on by simply pressing the handle.
Handle with Care
Nothing in this life is perfect nor is Plenty. Plenty gets hot after using for a period which can cause some harm if not handled correctly. To ensure there is no harm caused; handle the Plenty with care, don’t touch the bottom of the whip as the heat accumulates at the bottom and do not twist the whip. You will find these advisory steps in the booklet that comes with your desktop vaporizer.
We Still Love the Plenty
Plenty is imperfectly perfect; there are so many more good things than bad with this vaporizer. It employs fast heat up times, varying temperatures and provides potent, dense and smooth vapor. Although categorized as a stationary vaporizer, it’s fairly incognito! It looks like some other objects, none of which are vaporizers.
You could tell someone it was a powerful tool and they would have no reason to believe you. Plenty is an amazing piece of equipment that will massively improve your vaping game. Join the Storz & Bickel movement.
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