Dry herb vaporizers are experiencing a massive market boom! More and more people are finding them as an efficient and discreet alternative to traditional combustion methods. This surge of interest has inspired a huge array of companies to get involved in the vaporizer market. Some truly fantastic brands have come to dominate the market, and one of the greatest is Arizer.
Arizer are a true giant of vaporizer design. They’re best known for their advanced portable vaporizers, the Solo, and the Air. These fantastic portable vaporizers have raised the bar for portable vaporizer everywhere, dominating the competition with their fantastic innovations. The Arizer portable vapes are the benchmark for quality, so it’s no surprise that their new vape, the ArGo, is highly anticipated.
The Arizer Go, or ArGo, is Arizer’s latest and most compact portable vaporizer. It has a discreet and compact frame but can more than live up to the quality and power that we’ve come to associate with the Arizer name. It is built from the ground up for vaping on the go.
Compact Design
The Arizer Go is designed from the ground up to be the most portable and compact vaporizer in the Arizer range. It is an incredibly compact vaporizer that can fit in the palm of your hand, and can easily be carried in any pocket or bag. Don’t let the Arizer Go’s compact form fool you, it is packed with power. At a mere four inches long, the Arizer Go is a vape engineering marvel when you consider how impressive the hybrid heating system in it is. The Arizer Go features a stylish and discreet hard plastic and metal body that can more than stand up to the day-to-day rigors of the life of a portable vaporizer. The metal and plastic finish allows the Arizer Go to effectively dissipate heat, so overheating won’t be an issue!
Glass Mouthpiece
Arizer have come to dominate the dry herb vaporizer scene because they know what works, and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! The Arizer Air 2, and Solo 2 both feature and entirely glass airpath. This is because glass is a naturally, unreactive material that helps ensure that your vapor is smooth and untainted. The glass mouthpiece has become an Arizer signature, so naturally, the Go features an all glass airpath. On top of all these advantages keeping a glass airpath clear is a breeze. All you have to do is take a little cleaning fluid and a soft brush to gently break up and build-up of resin. The Arizer go is all about being compact and portable, and the delicate mouthpiece can be easily detached to make sure it doesn’t get damaged in transit.
Digital Display
The Arizer Go features a clear and easy to read OLED display. This means that the user can clearly read the temperature setting of the Go to the nearest degree. The display can be adjusted to suit the user thanks to its adjustable brightness. This allows a user to preserve their battery and have a more discreet vape experience simply by turning their backlight down!
Temperature Control
The Arizer Go has an incredibly precise temperature control system that allows you to get the extract vape experience that you want. The temperature range goes between 112℉ and 428℉, allowing you to get the very most out of your vape session.
Hybrid Heating
There are two main methods of heating in vape design; convection and conduction. Conduction works by heating the air that surrounds your dry herb, gradually drawing out thick, tasty vapor. Conduction is a much faster method that directly heats your herb much in the same way a kitchen stove works. Both of these methods have unique advantages, and usually a vape fan is forced to choose between one or the other. With the Arizer Go you can enjoy the best of both worlds. It uses an advanced hybrid convection/conduction system to offer you a fast heat up time and great, potent vapor quality.
Ease of Use
Arizer build incredibly user-friendly and simple vapes that are intended for use on the go. Of course, the Arizer Go is just as efficient and straightforward. To use it all you have to do is pack your glass aroma tube with your dry herbal blend of choice. Once everything is well packed simply switch on your Arizer Go and enjoy some fantastic, tasty dry herb vapor.
This is a truly compact and portable vaporizer that doesn’t sacrifice any power. It offers tasty vapor and super-precise functionality. Its hybrid heating system means that you don’t have to choose between convection or conduction heating. The Arizer Go’s best features is that it can fit into the palm of your hand. The adjustable brightness on the Go’s OLED display means that it is easy to read but you can also take it with you wherever you go and still operate it discreetly. On top of all of this, it is a super-powerful, high capacity battery that guarantees long, uninterrupted vape sessions.