Conduction Vaporizers
Conduction Vaporizers
A very fast, very efficient and surprisingly intricate form of heat. In fact it is one of the two primary forms of heat used in vaporization, the other being Convection. Conduction works by direct contact with the herbs, usually through a heated coil within the chamber. It’s such a fast and efficient method of smoking, if you got your hands on one of these portable dry herb vapes, we’re not sure you’d turn back.
The collection, knowledge and our pricing on conduction vaporizers can’t be beaten. Whether or not you're going with a conduction model, we have all the information you will need to make the right decision. Are you always on the move? Looking for a quick top up on your hit, but are you worried about those around you? You have come to the right place, we've got the top of the line portable vaporizers in stock now.