All vaporizers are not created or made equal and as a matter of fact, all vaporizers have their unique manufacturers and what they stand for. Presently in the vaping industry the list of vaporizers is an unending one as new units hit the market daily. These vapes have their unique designs, build up quality, vapor quality battery lives and several other features embedded to enable them to perform their objective functions.
This brings us to what really matters in vaporizers, and based on experience, research and personal ideology, I have come to know that the most vital feature of vaporizers most vapers in the industry look out for revolves around the quality of vapor the vaporizer delivers. Among the features that matters includes the heating method adopted, this method could either be via conduction or convection depending on the manufacturer, other features that matters includes the materials used in making the heating chamber, bowl size, and airways.
This brings us to the topic title which states why an all glass airway is good. From the topic title, it is evident that other types of air ways apart from glass airways exist. Let’s look at other vaporizer airway material and hopefully reach a conclusion at the end of the write up on the topic title.
Airflow plays a vital role in the actualization of the goals and objectives of vaporizers, which means that too much or too little airflow inside the heating chamber of any vaporizing unit would match the production of consistent vapor from the heating chamber. This generally implies that manufacturers would need to get it right when it comes to airflow in a vaporizer.
For smooth air flow, a good air way is desired. Apart from enhancing a great taste of vapor from your vaporizing unit, the air path, airways and the vapor path are three distinct components of the heating chamber of a vaporizer and are mostly confused by many but there is no need to be confused since they all deal with the passage of vapor from the chamber.
The advantage we have is that these 3 distinct features of a vaporizing unit usually feature same materials which could be either made from glass, stainless steel, plastic and silicone, each of which possesses their merits and demerits. Some manufacturers however feature different material for the airways and vapor path but this is rare.
Using glass or rather incorporating glass into the design of airways, air path and vapor path in vaporizers have long been in existence and it is obviously as old as vaporizers itself. glass is one of the most desirable material used in the heating chamber of vaporizers today because it has proven to be better and offering the purest and cleanest way to vaporize herbs or concentrates.
Because glasses are inert, they do not participate in the reaction or production of vapor which implies that nothing tempers with the vapor produced from the heating chamber irrespective of the type of vape. Plastics on the contrary could affect the taste of your buds because plastic releases harmful fumes especially when in contact with high temperatures. If you are observant, you would discover that some types of plastics are not encouraged in the food industry simply because they are unsafe.
Nevertheless, some plastics are safe for food which means they can be incorporated in the airways of vaporizer without fear of inhaling toxic fumes. Because of this challenge relating to plastics, most manufacturers have resolved that glass airways are better than other material inspired airways.
Some vaporizers employ partial glass airways meaning that they feature some other materials like ceramics or plastics in the airways while other vaporizers employ all- glass- air path and believe me that vapes such as this would certainly deliver tastier vapor flavors. Other advantages of the all glass air ways is the fact that glass as a material due to its nature can be cleaned easily meaning that you would not need to scrub too hard to get rid of clogged herbs in the herb chamber.
So many advantages of glass air ways but it also features few demerits and this is the fact that glass as a material is very fragile and can easily crack when it falls or in the course of a thorough cleaning session but the consolation we have is that glass can easily be replaced.