Top of the line dab vaporizers regardless of price these vaporizers deliver the best vapor quality and are a favorite among our customers.
Puffco has created the Plus with everything a customer could possibly need. With the most noticeable aspect being the mouthpiece as it has a loading tool, carb cap, and splash guard all in one.
This bowl is a ceramic coil-less bowl that makes cleaning a breeze, not to mention it will provide a more even heat to melt your concentrate. It is as simple to operate as a single push of a button.
There are 3 preset heat temperature settings that allow you to customize your session, not only are the preset temperatures nice, but there is a session mode. Session mode allows you to have a constant 12 second heat. The Plus is extremely portable as most of these pens will be on this list, but the Plus is only about the size of a regular pen and now has 15% more battery life than the older version.