If you’re seeking to purchase a new vaporizer one of the first things you’ll have to consider is whether you intend to smoke dry herbs or oils. There is a huge amount of difference between the two methods, differences which could just be the deciding factor in whether your smoke is pleasurable or not. Some people like to argue that there isn't a superior choice, but In this blog, as we’ll see later on, I’d like to argue that there is a superior choice.
If you intend to smoke dry herbs you’ll need to get your hands on a vaporizer that specializes in this type of herbal. Conversely, if you intend to smoke oils you’ll need to your paws on a machine that can operate well using oils. You can get vaporizers that have multiple function capacity loaded into them, but from my experience, you’re best of using a vaporizer that can utilize just one set of herbs. Although, whilst some multi-function vaporizers come with lots of promises but in the end deliver very little, others to perform well. For example, in comparison to oils, the dry herb can be harsher to inhale and the reason for this is because of its still a plant. If you’re not used to the herbs this can lead to you coughing and spluttering resulting in you having a less than satisfactory experience. In comparison, oils can have a smoother hit due to the fact that they are oils.
I’ve found dry herb vaporizers to be much easier to clean in comparison to oils. All you have to so with dry herb vaporizers is to get a cloth and wipe the unit down. The beauty about cleaning dry herb vaporizers it that you’ll so much time your hands that you’ll be facilitated with access to non stop vaping nirvana. If you want to vape 24/7 your dry herb vaporizer will be able to accomplish this.
In comparison, oils can be far trickier with the oils having a tendency to stick to your vape like tar. When cleaning these devices you’ll need warm water, alcohol, salt, and a whole host of other tools. Whilst it can be tricky to clean oil vaporizers you shouldn't let this put you off as there are plenty of rewards to received.
One significant plus in favor of using oils is that oils are far cheaper than using plants. Oils provide you, if used correctly, a similar experience to using herbs, but at a much better rate of value. The simple fact is, who doesn't want to have more money floating around in their wallets? And having more money in your wallet is what will occur when you purchase an oil vaporizer.
There are a whole host of different vapes that you can get your hands on. Of course, when considering which ones to buy you’ll have lots of different factors to take into the equation. The number one issue you’ll have to consider is whether you intend on purchasing a Dry Herb Vaporizer or an Oil Vaporizer. Below you’ll find a small list of vaporizers that I’ve selected as being amongst the best you can purchase anywhere in the world.
The Pax 2 is the Ferrari of portable herbal vaporizers. The buzz that you’ll receive from this little baby will be second to none. Make no mistake about it, the Pax 2 provides users with an unforgettable vaping experience that will be etched into the annals of history. In future people will speak in hushed tones of admiration as soon as a Pax2 enters the vicinity. Compared to the original, the Pax 2, is an improvement in every way providing you with longer battery life resulting in sweeter and more delicious flavors. Another benefit of the Pax 2 is the products durability which eclipses much of what is out there in the marketplace. This most certainly isn't a device that will fall and break into smithereens but is a product that will stand the test of time.
One of the superb features of the Firefly 2 is that when you press the button and begin vaping there is no vapor coming out of the device, and for people who want vape in secret this is a tremendous asset. Another positive about this new feature is that it reduces the odor that you might otherwise have had to endure. The original Firefly was like a tornado blowing across the vaping landscape destroying everything in its path. This was a machine that not only took vaporizers to a whole new level, but it was a machine that blew away the competition. But what we have with the Firefly 2 is a vaporizer that exceeds even the greatness of the original Firefly. What separates this device from the crowd is its unique on-demand heating system which delivers you non stop vapes at the click of a button. Another huge plus is that the heating system ensures that none of your herbs is wasted.
The Grizzly Guru is a multiple functionality vaporizer which can utilize oils, herbs, and concentrates with an equal level of proficiency. What makes the Grizzly stand out from the competition is the medical grade ceramic heating chamber. The Grizzly has excellent competency when it comes to utilizing your oils and will be sure to get the very best from whatever oils you place into the machine. A precision-guided temperature control system ensures that you’ll have complete control over your vape at all times. T
The Puffco oil pen manages to vaporizer oils, waxes, and liquids at the optimum level of productivity. One area that the Puffco Plus pen is renowned for is flavorful vapes that it dispenses to the user. Overall, I have to say that the Puffco Plus pen is a real gem of a vape that dispenses some truly sublime vapes to the owner.
In my opinion, you should always side with purchasing a dry herb vaporizer. The reason for this is because dry herb vaporizers offer a more measured buzz than oil buzzes. For me, the negative thing about oil vaporizers is that the high can be too intense. If you’re not prepared, or if you’re a novice, then you may end up having a nasty experience that might put you off herbal for a lifetime. The level of control that dry herb vaporizers afford users is what makes them stand out from the crowd.
Grizzly Guru Vaporizer