Glass Hand Pipes

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Pipes are amongst one of the easiest and most compact ways to enjoy your dry herb. They're easily packed and even more easily cleaned.

Pipes can be a lot of fun to use and if you enjoy simplicity then they could be the perfect choice for you. Here at Namaste Vapes, we have the best pipes on the market. Our range will allow you to choose from the most innovative pipes brand out there and also some cool, handy and colorful glass pipes you can take on the go. They're the old reliable and they might just save the day when there's nowhere to charge that expensive vaporizer...

Pipes have four parts, the bowl, mouthpiece, stem/chamber, and the carb (a small hole). To use a pipe you first have to fill your bowl with your favorite dry herb, broken down to your consistency of choice, preferably by a grinder as the finer the grind, the more robust your smoke will be.

Once you have filled or 'packed' your bowl, you're ready to go. Now, hold your pipe in one hand and place a finger or thumb on the carb. Next, bring to your lips and inhale as your light your material, and repeat these steps.

Our Best Selling Pipes

Our number one seller on the site is The Genius Pipe, it's a one of a kind product with a unique and minimalistic design channelling all things 'Zen'. One of the best things about this device is it's cooling ability which comes from innovative dimple technology. This allows the smoke to travel through hundreds and thousands of small idents filtering and cooling it, for the tastiest hits possible.

If you're looking a pipe that not only looks good, but gets the job done, then look no further than The Marley Natural smoked glass pipe with gold stripe decal. This piece of equipment is from the official smoking brand of Bob Marley, so you know it's good. Manufactured in the USA it has a chunky, durable design created from high-quality borosilicate glass, and it's a must have addition to any glass collection.

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